Delivering purpose-driven organisations

Beautiful Enterprise uses research and analysis, evaluation, collaborative learning and strategic support to help shape and strengthen good ethical businesses, sustainable social enterprises, charities and public services.

I work with businesses, social enterprises and charities to promote good business, a fair economy and dignified work, as I believe that good purpose-driven enterprise is one of the best long-term solutions to poverty, social breakdown and climate change.

I also work with charities and public services to improve their strategic focus and impact.

I am inspired by a vision of economic justice, a strong society and environmental flourishing and want to see a renewal of our national life.

My Insight Blog offers an in-depth and long-term perspective on key issues each month and my Policy Lab provides new resources to stimulate discussion.

Recent Work

Within the last year or so, I have worked as an Associate of Resonance Ltd to deliver support to social enterprises and also undertaken a comprehensive mapping study for Devon County Council and partners to update and support their Safe Accommodation strategy. With Think Philanthropy I have worked for the Arts Council of Wales, supporting the development of new national arts projects and capital investment strategies. I wrote a report on the future of work and the importance of mutuality for Theos think tank. I have also undertaken research and feasibility work for the Centre for Theology & Community and the Guild Church of St Katharine Cree, the new church for workers in the City of London.


  • Learning

    I work collaboratively to undertake research, impact assessment and develop theories of change. Learning Labs can also help to shape new options and test them, bringing insight and innovation to your future plans.

  • Scoping

    I undertake feasibility studies, mapping studies and use analysis to scope out challenges and opportunities.

  • Problem-solving

    I can help you diagnose management issues and develop new strategies.

  • Growing

    I have experience of starting & growing social enterprises & businesses, as well as charities, so can work with you on your journey.

  • Insight & storytelling

    I can help you develop and promote ideas, which will help you to achieve your goals and impact

I provide a range of expertise to support purpose-driven organisations

“Every organisation should have a clear social purpose”

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