Beautiful Enterprise Blog

Faith, enterprise & purpose

I publish my blogs on faith, enterprise and purpose here. I believe that good business and a purpose-driven marketplace can be powerful forces for positive social change, so I want to encourage thought, discussion and change to that end.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

How to build a New Town

By Tim Thorlby

6 min read

The Labour Party want to build a new generation of New Towns. Is this a good idea? Can we afford it? Is it even possible? This blog takes a look at New Towns and explores if there is a demand for them, how they are built and who might pay for them.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

The Rise of the Bank: How its stories shape your life

By Tim Thorlby

5 min read

This blog explores the growing role of the Bank of England in recent years and the impact it has had on our lives. But it’s not just a blog about central banking, it is about the power of storytelling and the importance of challenging stories and being prepared to tell new ones, if we want a healthy democracy and a fair economy.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

For Charlie (Part 2): From myth to reality - how we build more houses

By Tim Thorlby

8 min read

This is the second blog looking at the UK’s housing omni-crisis; it explores the possible solutions. In particular, why don’t we build enough houses in the UK? The blog identifies the key myths holding us back and the essential action required to reform our broken housing market.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

For Charlie: A long view on the housing omnicrisis

By Tim Thorlby

8 min read

What does the future hold for this one? This blog provides a long view on the UK’s rolling housing omni-crisis through the eyes of 8 year old Charlie. How do his housing prospects differ from those of his parents? The blog unpacks the different parts of the housing crisis and how we got here.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

The Empty Chair: Britain’s missing workers

By Tim Thorlby

7 min read

The UK has a million job vacancies and a shortage of workers. Yet millions of workers have been leaving the workplace in recent years. Why? Who are they? Will they ever return? Who are Britain’s missing workers?

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Maurice is ill: A story about sick pay

By Tim Thorlby

4 min read

This blog is about Maurice, a front desk receptionist, and what happens to him when he falls ill. It’s a story about sick pay and how small differences can have big consequences.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Good Cities 4: Democracy & Power

By Tim Thorlby

6 min read

The final blog in a series exploring what a ‘good city’ means. This blog looks at how we can influence the decisions that shapes our towns and cities.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Good Cities 3: Social Justice & the City

By Tim Thorlby

6 min read

The third in a series of blogs exploring what a ‘good city’ looks like. This blog looks at how the design of our cities both reflects and shapes patterns of social justice.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Good Cities 2: Ecology & the Restorative City

By Tim Thorlby

6 min read

The second in a series of blogs looking at what a ‘good city’ looks like. This blog explores the ecology of our urban areas and the idea of a restorative city.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Always on? The right to disconnect

By Tim Thorlby

5 min read

A new ‘right to disconnect’ is being proposed. This blog explores what is driving this and asks whether ancient ideas of ‘sabbath’ have relevance in the 21st Century.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

The Price of Bread

By Tim Thorlby

6 min read

Rising food prices are in the news. But what drives prices? How does it work? This blog looks into the economics of a humble loaf of bread and asks - who got paid?

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Farm to Fork: how food costs the earth

By Tim Thorlby

6 min read

Our approach to food has become damaging to both us and our planet. The blog explores the environmental issues within our food and drink industry, suggests a biblical perspective on this and highlights some practical responses.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

AirBnB: When sharing isn’t caring

By Tim thorlby

12 min read

In many towns and cities, local people are being priced out of their communities by the rise of ‘sharing platforms’. Homes that used to be available for local people to rent are flipped to become holiday homes. In a case study on rentier capitalism this blog explores the impact of AirBnB on local communities and what we might do about it.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

The Unfinished Jubilee

By Tim Thorlby

5 min read

International debt has again emerged as a crisis facing lower-income countries. This blog looks at the nature and causes of these debts and makes the case for a new Jubilee.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

We need to talk about rentier capitalism (why work doesn’t pay)

By Tim Thorlby

10 min read

How has our economy become so distorted that work doesn’t pay? Why is wealth concentrating into ever fewer hands? The answer is rentier capitalism. It’s time we talked about this. This blog explains how this happened and what we can do about it.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

The Dignity of Work

By Tim Thorlby

6 min read

What does the ‘dignity of work’ mean? In this blog, Tim draws on his work in the UK cleaning sector to explore what it could mean, where we often fail, and to offer a biblical perspective.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Who ate all the pie? Executive pay, effort & luck

By Tim Thorlby

7 min read

The 5th January is High Pay Day – the day of the year when the median FTSE 100 CEO’s earnings exceed the average UK worker’s annual salary. It doesn’t take long. With pay currently in the news every day, inflation and a wave of industrial action, it is timely to consider executive pay. Does it matter? Is it fair? Is it merited? This blog explores the issue and offers a biblical perspective on it.

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Tim Thorlby Tim Thorlby

Taxation: What it says about us

By Tim Thorlby

12 min read

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement has put the question of tax centre-stage again – how much should we paying? Who should pay? What do other countries do? In this blog, Tim offers a bird’s eye view of taxation in the UK, what it says about us as a country, plus ideas for reform inspired by biblical insights.

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